운전자보험다이렉트 필수가입 교통사고 추가 보상 영업용

by 다소다 보험 마켓



I think driving is always good at driving, but long-time drivers on the road are no exception.So before you have an accident,Provides confidence through driver insuranceI recommend it.In the event of a traffic accident, depending on the situation, criminal,Administrative responsibility may be required,This must be resolved between the driver and the country.Its a problem. This includes fines, imprisonment,Compensation for negligence is necessary,The insurance that guarantees is the drivers insurance.Like other insurance, driver insuranceRather than just looking for cheap placesMost likely to be exposed to meThat suits me carefully, taking into account the riskPlease choose driver insurance.Auto insurance is mandatory.Driver insurance is optional. HoweverA traffic accident occurs and due to criminal responsibilityEconomic expenditure can result,To relieve that burdenIt is better to purchase driver insurance.Driver insurance has the meaning of the word.You can just say you have it, right awayIt means insurance for drivers.